Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why Film?

A big change is coming to LilyRox Photography! I am now exclusively shooting film! Many will likely ask, "Why Film?" So I'm going to take this opportunity to present my case on why I prefer it over digital. Many moons ago when I first started in photography, digital was the newest and coolest thing. However, since high school yearbook budgets were slim to none, most of us still had to make do with good old fashioned analog cameras.  Years later, once I was able to finally afford my first digital camera, my beloved Canon Rebel, I slowly moved away from film. Film became more of a novelty, taking the forms of toy cameras and polaroids snapped and developed within seconds. Then, I learned about medium format cameras and I was brought back to why I loved film in the first place. I just love the look of it and in this digital overload world of ours, I wanted to get back to the authenticity of film photography. There's just nothing like it. But enough of me talking, I think you should just see for yourself.
Digital (edited)
Film (slight light and color adjustment)

 Left: Digital (unedited)    Right:Film (unedited)

More comparisons to come...

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