Saturday, April 19, 2014

Personal: Blooming Bluebonnets

Family road trip to Brenham to see the famous, Texas only Bluebonnets. Never made it to Brenham because it turns out that there's a crazy cool field littered with Bluebonnets on the way. Take it you gotta pay 10 bucks to drive in but so worth it to see a never ending field of these beautiful blue flowers. It was the rugrat's first time and yes, she tried to eat all of them. To get to this spot take 290 North to Austin, exit Liendo Parkway and stay on the feder road. Look to your right and behold a blanket of blue! Bring 10 dollars CASH to enter the privately owned land. Have fun! Photography tip: Go AFTER 4 or 5 PM when the sun is low and the golden hour is near. Trust me. That or wait until the sun is behind a cloud.

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